Aeon Command is a real-time strategy game that takes place in outer space, and the storyline develops around the confrontation between three unique races, cyborgs and rogues. You have to take control of one of the factions and try to defeat your rivals. The gameplay combines well-known elements of RTS and tactical strategy, on opposite sides of the playing field there are player bases, your actions will depend on the main goal of the mission, of which there are 24 in the game, after completing the task you will advance along the storyline. The game has good graphics and classic gameplay, which will certainly please all strategy fans.CPU---Android OS2.3.3Open GL---Free Space 21.7 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetYesEnglish languageNoHow do we rummyweb.inget this dataWhats newUpdate history-----
7up 7 Down TrickThe game consists of players grouping the
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