Description of Wash helicopter cleaning games Hello! Today,to our airport came more helicopters who are ready to do their job. After returning from his mission, the helicopter has to be cleaned but I could not do this because we do not know how to clean and do not have time to do this. In this game you have to be the cleaner of this helicopter and repair it because we know that you really like helicopters.1) First you have to delete every trace of dirt and mud from the cockpit.2) then you must clean the seats and floor of the helicopter.3) still need to glue each thread and tie them to be able to operate all devices.4) The need to clean the windows because they are quite dirty.Thanks you for agreeding to help us in this game, but you must do one more thing. Airport managers want to change all seats in planes and helicopters, and for this we need you. You must choose a few models and color and change all seats helicopter.Good luck!
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rummy26.comThe game consists of players grouping the
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