Ylands is a sandbox for Android devices. Wide gaming capabilities This unique game combines several popular genres, such as sandbox, platform for creating games, adventure RPG and survival. In Ylands you can create a unique island yourself and start exploring it. Go on this huge MiDragon VS Tiger Tricks adventure alone or invite your friends and have fun together. You will have a huge island at your disposal, which you can think through to the smallest detail and create. Stunning graphics and beautiful visuals. There is customizable weather, a variety of resources, it is possible to craft items and objects, wildlife, and all this changes depending on the selected climate zone. Each island has an automatic changing system, which diversifies the already exciting gameplay. Stunning graphics, detailed locations, changing weather conditions, a thoughtful crafting system, beautiful visual effects and incredible adventures, all this awaits you in Ylands.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 2.08 GBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetYesEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----
Fortune OXThe game consists of players grouping the
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