PAKO Rumble
source admin date 2024-05-07
PAKO Rumble - colorful arcade for android devices. Bright and fun casual arcade Awesome game for mobile platforms that will delight you from the very first minutes and make your leisure time unforgettable. PAKO Rumble is a successful combination of a classic arcade game and a casual puzzle game.In this game you have to drive a small car and try to lead it through a maze location, where you choose the path, and the road literally appears in the air and disappears. Can you complete all the levels? Amusing entertainment for every day TheGaruda Gems rules of this game are very simple: you you need to get to the finish line without falling from the game location. PAKO Rumble is a great test for your reflexes and intelligence, because each level is randomly generated and will make even an experienced player sweat. PAKO Rumble will delight you with an easy and addictive gameplay, colorful 3D graphics with mode visual effects, simple controls and a wonderful game atmosphere that will definitely not let you get bored.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 20.52 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----