Treasure Temples
source admin date 2024-05-07
Treasure Temples - addictive logic gamefor Android devices.Various obstacles In this game you have to accompany two young adventurers and help them find all the ancient treasures , hidden deep under the snows of Antarctica. Here you have to guide the heroes, intelligently think over each action and the next step, so that your characters can overcome the level and get to the desired treasure. A dual exploration mode awaits you, where you can control two adventurers at once, instead of one. No time limits More than 140 interesting levels with unique puzzles have been prepared for you, each of which has been painFortune OX stakingly created by hand. Also, the game has no time limits for completing the level, so you can enjoy an interesting gameplay at your own pace. You have to overcome various obstacles, such as crumbling tiles and dangerous traps, deadly darts, enemies and mysterious life forms.CPU---Android OS5.1Open GL---Free Space 49.94 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----