Description of Marble Mines Marble Mines is a tricky puzzle game with 30 exciting levels. Do you find all the bombs hidden per level? Only those who think logically and think well will succeed here. Click on a field and a number will appear in the field indicating how many bombs are directly adjacent. If you are sure that there is a bomb on a field, hold down the touchscreen longer to mark the field. Can you solve all levels and defuse the bombs with so few defaults? Think around the corner and be by no means premature! Marble Mines is an exciting and tricky logic / puzzle game that will keep you up to speed with 30 levels. The game is completely free and contains no in-app purchases. Simple graphics, nice in between and full of puzzles: Marble Mines! Just try it!
Versirummy online freeon history Marble Mines New in Marble Mines 1.6 UPDATE (11/05/2014): - It does not have to mark all the bombs to win a level. (All you have to do is turn over all the other fields). Please rate this app
teen patti yes downloadThe game consists of players grouping the
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