Description of wallykazam for kides wallykazam for kides series takes place in a colorful world resembling that of inside a fairytale, in which the central characters reside. The show revolves around young troll Wally Trollman, who uses his magic stick to turn words into physical objects or occurrences, along with his pet dragon Norville and other friends. The duo occasionally runs into trouble, mostly caused by Bobgoblin.wallykazam for kids this game is what you're looking for!Wallace have to show courage and Collect the Diamonds ,Collects the Diamonds with Wally!Characteristics:- 120 challenging levels, full of surprises- High-quality graphics- 3 different game modes- Easy game.wallykazam.- High speed slider- BEAUTIFUL - Wonderful colorful graphics- ACTION-bubble - Awesome game that will entertain you for hours!- mobile games, phone games and tablets !-Differummy ola bonusrent Game Modes .-Free kids , girls and boys games .-Lightweight Game .-High Speed character !• This Game have no relation with wallykazam the cartoon or application or game or anything related design neither from any other cartoon company !This is my own game with a player that's too far from being looking like any character from wallykazam.
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rummy proThe game consists of players grouping the
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