The go-to shopping app for your next trip to France!
Welcome to the Wevat community - a group of people who love both travel and shopping! We've helped refund travellers from 88 countries more than €18 million on their shopping.
Wevat aims to make the tax-free shopping experience convenient, efficient and trustworthy for travellers with its revolutionary digital solution and customer- focused service. We believe getting tax back on your shopping should be simple and hassle-free, so you can spend your time and money on better things when you travel to France.
Why choose Wevat tax refund for your next trip to France?
-1. Hassle-free process
Take a picture of your purchase invoices, then simply generate and scan your barcode when you leave France. No more dealing with stamping and mailing multiple paper forms.
-2. More shopping options
No partner store restrictions — you can now shop tax free at any store that sells eligible items with valid invoices, all from your phone!
-3. Save more money
Compared with in-store VAT refund providers, Wevat gives you up to 23% more VAT back with a single, transparent service fee and no foreign exchanges fees.
-4. No minimum purchase spend
You just need to spend EUR 100 in total per trip, whereas traditional In-store tax refunds requires a minimum of EUR 100 per purchase.
-5. Refund the way you want
Wevat can refund you in over 50 currencies by bank transfer, PayPal, Alipay or WeChat Pay, all trackable through the app.
-6. Chat to us anytime throughout your trip
Our super-friendly, multilingual customer support team is available for you throughout your trip in France.
Follow us on Instagram (ID: Wevatapp) and Twitter(ID: WevatApp) for more VAT refund and travel information in France.
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